2 min read

New Google Analytics Reporting Features

Originally published in: red66.com

Google Analytics has implemented a number of new features (which you may or may not see in your account yet, since they are in beta). I haven’t had the chance to play around with them, but this is what they look like:

The Advanced Segments tool allows you to filter your reports by up to four pre-designed or custom segments:

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This is what the Custom Segment creator looks like:

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Once you select your segments, you’ll get a detailed report:

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The final new feature I found is Customized Reports, allowing you to quickly look at the data you find important - for instance, how your keywords are performing in a particular market:

Note: This image is no longer available due to Evernote deleting all Skitch files.

Google has published this short video, explaining how to build a Custom Report. Watch it to get an idea of how powerful these new tools are.

With this newfound flexibility, Google Analytics bridges the gap to more expensive analytics solutions.

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