2 min read

Fixing the No such file or directory message while upgrading Oh My Zsh

Originally published in: red66.com

This is the answer you’ve been looking for. Ever since I installed Oh My Zsh on my Mac, I’ve been greeted by the following message whenever I launch Terminal:

[Oh My Zsh] Would you like to check for updates? Type Y to update oh-my-zsh: Y /bin/sh: /tools/upgrade.sh: No such file or directory

I never really cared about it, thinking I’d eventually upgrade the whole thing. Except that today when I did try to upgrade I received this message:

You already have Oh My Zsh installed. You'll need to remove ~/.oh-my-zsh if you want to install

A quick internet search for updating zshell led me to the answer deep within the oh-my-zsh git page.

The quick solution is to add export ZSH=$HOME/.oh-my-zsh to your ~/.zshrc file. Save and then source ~/.zshrc. Answer Y to update and everything should work perfectly.

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