3 min read

Start-a-Startup - Interesting Idea

Originally published in: red66.com

Just yesterday I joined Advisor Garage, a social networking website for entrepreneurs. The idea is to bring together “advisors” with entrepreneurs seeking the advice, hand-holding and experience we may be able to offer them.

This morning I had two emails from Advisor Garage informing me I had received a coupe of “elevator pitches” at the website. The way it should work is that when someone seeking advice finds you, he leaves you an “elevator pitch” (a quick summary of their business or idea) and, if interested, you contact them.

The pitches I received weren’t very detailed and failed to mention how they thought I could help them, but, nevertheless, one of them, Start-a-startup, sounds promising. The idea goes like this: suppose you have a great idea for a website… the next YouTube… whatever. For US$10,000 you can get, according to their website:

A working Product Manager (Designer/Developer) in the US and two motivated and talented developers in India for one month. A fully functional, ready to use Web application powered by Ruby on Rails. Hardware, software, expenses included for shared hosting.

Now, if you know the right people and have access to coders, ten grand can probably take you a long way. But if you just have an idea, you could spend a lot more and/or a lot more time just finding out if your idea works. Start-a-startup offers a one-month turnaround… in an industry where time is really money. Worst case, you’re out ten grand and a month’s worth of project management - no need to quit your current job.

Caveats? Sure… Lots of them. Can they really deliver? How good are their coding skills? How secure is their code? Who writes the program documentation? Are they fluent in English (or your particular language)? How scalable is their code?

If you’ve used them, leave a comment with your impressions. Do you think this idea will fly?

Technorati Tags: Digital Media Strategy, Social Networks

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