5 min read

Detailed CBS-YouTube Weekly Stats and Charts

Originally published in: red66.com

I’ve been compiling data about CBS videos on YouTube for the past week. Here are some charts with the Top 15 videos from the CBS channel on YouTube. I began gathering data on November 21st and have charted the week from Nov. 22nd to Nov.28th (inclusive).

On to the charts!

The CBS|YouTube Top 15 Videos by Net Daily Viewers

Cbs-Youtube Top-15-Net-Daily-Viewers 20061128

  1. Michael Richards (“Kramer”) Apologizes [309,188 views on 11/22]
  2. Michael Richards (“Kramer”) Apologizes [270,853 views on 11/23]
  3. Kirstie Alley’s Bikini Shock [208,408 views on 11/22]
  4. Michael Richards (“Kramer”) Apologizes [169,902 views on 11/24]
  5. Craig is Changing America! [165,804 views on 11/22]
  6. O.J. Simpson’s Rejected Product [151,557 views on 11/24]
  7. Craig is Changing America! [132,860 views on 11/25]
  8. Borat Meets David Letterman [128,636 views on 11/26]
  9. Coast to Coast Goal - Gretzky Style [125,763 views on 11/24]
  10. Rumsfeld Gets Cute At The Podium (extended version) [120,157 views on 11/27]
  11. O.J. Simpson’s Rejected Product [112,174 views on 11/23]
  12. Michael Richards (“Kramer”) Apologizes [110,864 views on 11/27]
  13. Craig is Changing America! [110,079 views on 11/23]
  14. Kirstie Alley’s Bikini Shock [108,399 views on 11/25]
  15. If OJ Won’t Admit, You Must Cancel It. [108,290 views on 11/24]

The CBS|YouTube Top 15 Videos by Average Daily Viewers (total views for each video divided by the number of days since the video was uploaded)

Cbs-Youtube Top-15-Avg-Daily-Viewers 20061128

  1. Michael Richards (“Kramer”) Apologizes [127,754 average daily viewers since 11/21]
  2. Kirstie Alley’s Bikini Shock [89,259 average daily viewers since 11/20]
  3. Craig is Changing America! [61,678 average daily viewers since 11/21]
  4. O.J. Simpson’s Rejected Product [61,596 average daily viewers since 11/22]
  5. The K-Fed/Britney Sex Tape [59,315 average daily viewers since 11/9]
  6. Rumsfeld Gets Cute At The Podium (extended version) [58,552 average daily viewers since 11/13]
  7. Borat Meets David Letterman [55,905 average daily viewers since 10/30]
  8. Rumsfeld Gets Cute At The Podium [43,083 average daily viewers since 11/9]
  9. Playstation 3: It’s Just so Old and Outdated [42,576 average daily viewers since 11/17]
  10. If OJ Won’t Admit, You Must Cancel It. [42,540 average daily viewers since 11/22]
  11. Coast to Coast Goal - Gretzky Style [42,143 average daily viewers since 11/22]
  12. Most Memorable College Plays [40,238 average daily viewers since 11/20]
  13. Curious George W. Goes To Vietnam [38,892 average daily viewers since 11/21]
  14. Borat wrestles Harry Smith [38,762 average daily viewers since 11/1]
  15. NCIS Cat Fight [38,138 average daily viewers since 10/17]

The CBS|YouTube Weekly Top 15 (most viewers during the week)

Cbs-Youtube Weekly-Top-15 20061128

  1. Michael Richards (“Kramer”) Apologizes [968,127 viewers during the week]
  2. Craig is Changing America! [478,404 viewers during the week]
  3. O.J. Simpson’s Rejected Product [425,746 viewers during the week]
  4. Kirstie Alley’s Bikini Shock [414,882 viewers during the week]
  5. Curious George W. Goes To Vietnam [295,015 viewers during the week]
  6. Most Memorable College Plays [289,991 viewers during the week]
  7. Coast to Coast Goal - Gretzky Style [289,481 viewers during the week]
  8. If OJ Won’t Admit, You Must Cancel It [285,106 viewers during the week]
  9. Rumsfeld Gets Cute At The Podium (extended version) [268,507 viewers during the week]
  10. Borat Meets David Letterman [256,363 viewers during the week]
  11. Make A Celebrity Turkey [138,201 viewers during the week]
  12. The Newest Bond Villain [132,611 viewers during the week]
  13. A Field of Dreams for Judy Coffman [127,846 viewers during the week]
  14. Track Star Faces Biggest Hurdle in Iraq [116,377 viewers during the week]
  15. David Letterman’s Angry Audience Guy [111,669 viewers during the week]

The CBS|YouTube Video of the Week Award

By now, it should be obvious that Kramer’s apology was the most popular video on the CBS|YouTube channel this past week.

Here’s a graph showing the evolution of total viewers and the daily viewers during the past week. I’ve included Nov. 21st on the chart since that was the day the video was uploaded. That way you can see the complete evolution of an Internet hit.

Cbs Topweeklyvideo 20061128

One Final Note Regarding Last Week’s Article

On last week’s article, I noted a difference between CBS’s Top-15 list for Nov.17 and my own list for Nov.21 (please refer to the article for details) and wondered whether CBS had somehow doctored their list to make it more marketable. Having looked at one week’s worth of data I feel there is no evidence of foul play. Kramer’s video hit 800,000 views just three days after being posted, and the average daily views indicate the growth predicted in the article would have been not only possible but quite normal.

If you have any requests for particular channels to track or a specific chart you want to see, please leave me a comment and I’ll do my best to accommodate your request.

Technorati Tags: [Content Delivery Networks](http://www.technorati.com/tag/Content Delivery Networks), [Data Analysis](http://www.technorati.com/tag/Data Analysis), Patterns, Ratings, Television, Visualization, [Web Video](http://www.technorati.com/tag/Web Video), YouTube

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