2 min read

X1 desktop search - Better than Google Desktop?

Originally published in: red66.com

Jason at theUnofficialGoogleWeblog seems to really like X1 search software.

In fact he likes it so much that he’s arranged to give us bloggers some free copies. I’ve tried X1 a couple of times and have always ended up uninstalling it because -as most desktop search software- it consumes too many resources (i.e.: it takes over and makes my computer really slow while it’s indexing).

But I’ll give it another try. You can’t really beat free stuff. I’ll try and post some of my impressiones with it. So far I haven’t seen any adverse effects from Google Desktop Search, but I only installed it yesterday.

Here’s the link to Jason Calacanis’ post:

Free *full-version* version of X1 software… much better than Google Desktop search. Value=$74.95!!! - The Unofficial Google Weblog - google.weblogsinc.com

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