2 min read

A Firefox-Sidebar RSS organizer would be great

Originally published in: red66.com

After using Bloglines, NewsGator Online, and now NewsGator Outlook edition… what would be really great is an RSS organizer that resides in the Firefox sidebar.

It would show your new articles waiting for reading and would open them in Firefox tabs. It could also show you a tree view of your folders/feeds if you like it that way.

Does this exist? (in a stable version) Let me know!


UPDATE: This utility should also work with an online account, so that it knows what you’ve read no matter where you’re connecting from.

Comments from original posting of this article (on my previous blog):

Wizz RSS News Reader - do a search on this and see if this fits your bill

Posted by: Saurabh Gupta | January 24, 2005 09:15 PM

Thanks. I’ll give it a shot. Although I’m VERY pleased with OnFolio 2.0.

The link to Wizz:


Some bad karma about it:


The link to OnFolio:


Posted by: carlos | January 24, 2005 11:19 PM

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